🌦️ QWeather

The weather forecast feature on the homepage uses the free API from HeFeng Weather. To use the weather forecast feature, you need to apply for your own HeFeng Weather developer account.
Weather Configuration
After applying, you need to configure the HeFeng Weather APP_KEY
through the client.

After adding, continue to configure your city. Go to find the city code: China-City-List-latest.csv.

In the search box marked in the image below, search for your city name. Click Save, then go to the homepage and click the refresh button in the upper right corner of the weather to see the updated information.

Weather Icons
Blossom has adapted icons for common weather conditions:

Icons use Microsoft Fluentui Emoji
Third-Party Documents
HeFeng Weather Official API: https://dev.qweather.com/en/
HeFeng Weather API Usage Guide: https://dev.qweather.com/en/docs/start/
Location documents for all regions in China: China-City-List-latest.csv
Below is the HeFeng Weather official website, where you can apply for the API key.